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Event Registration & Tickets

The cost for event tickets for the weekend:

Adults - $75.00 - includes all schedule workshops (not including supplies), Tea Dueling, Teapot Parade, Vendors, Scavenger Hunt, and Evening Entertainment and Dancing.

Children under 12 - Free with accompanying Parent Ticket.

An Optional Breakfast Buffet - Sunday Morning - $25.00

Terms of Purchase:

*Purchases will be refundable prior to October 15th, 2024, minus a   $20.00 service charge.

*After October 15th, 2024 no refunds will be issued.

*You may register without purchasing event tickets, but if tickets are not purchased at time of registration, you will have until October 15th, 2024 to purchase, after which a $20.00 service fee will be added to each ticket, including at the door purchases. This also holds for the optional breakfast buffet on Sunday morning.


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